Bravecto hero image Bravecto hero image

Many of us at Merck Animal Health are pet owners. The science of healthier animals drives everything we do – helping to ensure the safety and well-being of your pet is our top priority.

We know how important it is to make sure you have accurate information about our products in order to feel comfortable and confident about the medications you are giving to your pet. We encourage you to speak with your veterinarian to discuss what’s best for you. This site is dedicated to giving you the facts about BRAVECTO®, our flea and tick medication.

Get the Facts


BRAVECTO® is the first and only oral treatment that has been shown to quickly and effectively kill fleas and multiple tick species for up to 12 weeks* after a single dose.1
Most other flea and tick medications only last for up to four weeks after a single dose. Protecting against fleas and ticks is a must to ensure health and quality of life for your pets.

All of our drugs — including BRAVECTO® — go through a rigorous regulatory approval process.
In fact, it is approved in 85 countries around the world. Regulatory agencies have reviewed the BRAVECTO® research data and it is approved for use in their countries when used according to the product label.

BRAVECTO® can be used with other medications.1
In a well-controlled field study BRAVECTO® was used concurrently with other medications, such as vaccines, anthelmintics, antibiotics, and steroids. No adverse reactions were observed from the concurrent use of BRAVECTO® with other medications.

BRAVECTO® does not cause cancer.1
Clinical research data and our analysis of adverse events do not show a causal relationship between BRAVECTO® and liver or kidney issues or cancer.

BRAVECTO® was evaluated by the U.S. FDA for use in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs.1

As required by law, adverse events involving BRAVECTO® are reported to regulatory agencies.
All adverse events must be reported to the governing regulatory agency — even if no causal relationship is suspected. A report does not mean the product caused the adverse reaction.

Merck Animal Health Facts

Our top priority is the health of your pet.
In fact, our employees share the common goal of working together to ensure your pets are there to comfort you and be an important part of families for years to come.

We are serious about improving the health of animals around the world.
This is why we are committed to investing in the research, development and manufacturing of some of the most innovative veterinary medicines in the world. We are committed to improving the lives of animals in more than 150 countries and counting.

Our company is driven by simple core values.
We strive to be visionary, collaborative, dynamic and responsible. Whether working with veterinarians or their patients around the world, healthy pets mean happy families.

Since our early days, we have grown to become a leader whose work in animal health is unparalleled.
For more than 60 years, vaccines that protect pets from dangerous diseases, medicines to treat chronic diseases and effective parasite controls have been part of our mission to protect the health and well-being of pets.

We continue to develop innovative solutions to find new and better ways to keep pets safe and healthy.
At Merck Animal Health, our veterinarians, scientists and industry experts work together in teams centered around entire diseases affecting pets, not just single products.

Involved in global initiatives
In addition to all the great work our employees are doing to support you and your veterinarian, Merck Animal Health is involved with global initiatives such as Afya and Mission Rabies – both organizations working in Africa and India to eradicate the globe of rabies in the next 15 years.

Setting the Record Straight

We know that protecting your pet’s health can be emotional. After all, many of us at Merck Animal Health have our own fur babies who are true members of our families. However, don’t let hearsay, conjecture and opinion be a substitute for truth — get the facts and discuss your questions with your trusted veterinary professional.

It’s easy to find all sorts of information about veterinary medicines across the internet — especially on social media. Unfortunately, much of the information shared on social media is simply inaccurate. You deserve the facts — the complete facts — on BRAVECTO®. If you would like more information please consult a trusted veterinary professional, or visit




More than 170 clinical trials prove that BRAVECTO® is effective against the most common fleas and ticks. It works quickly too, killing these parasites within hours.




Following the approval of an animal health drug, companies are required to continue monitoring the drug to ensure the safety and efficacy through an objective, science-based lens. Throughout the monitoring process, we report adverse effects to the appropriate governing body as required by law. This monitoring and scientific assessment continue to support BRAVECTO® safety. Since BRAVECTO® was approved in 2014, more than 300 million doses have been distributed around the world, which reflects the trust and confidence of both pet owners and vets. There is no question in our confidence in the safety and efficacy profile of BRAVECTO®.




All adverse events associated with BRAVECTO® continue to be monitored. This is included in the label as post approval experience. The most common reported events are mild and transient gastrointestinal upset, which are noted on the product label. An adverse event report also does not mean causation.

In today’s digital age, social media can present a misleading picture. We recommend you consult your veterinarian to gain the fullest, most accurate picture of your pet’s health and ask them about BRAVECTO®.




Fleas and ticks are not just a nuisance, they also pose significant health risks, as they can transmit diseases (including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Bartonellosis and others).

Alternative methods for treating fleas and ticks are available. However, unlike holistic treatments, BRAVECTO® has undergone the stringent testing and trials needed for regulatory approvals and is monitored by regulatory agencies across the globe.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns please contact Merck Animal Health Companion Animal Technical Services.


1 BRAVECTO Chew for Dogs; BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Dogs

*BRAVECTO kills fleas and prevents flea infestations. BRAVECTO (fluralaner) Chews for Dogs kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, brown dog tick, and Asian longhorned tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Chews also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks. BRAVECTO (fluralaner topical solution) for Dogs kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Dogs also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks. BRAVECTO (fluralaner topical solution) for Cats  kills ticks (black-legged tick and Asian longhorned tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Cats also kills American dog ticks for 8 weeks.


BRAVECTO 1-MONTH (fluralaner) Chews: indicated for dogs 8 weeks of age and older.   The most commonly reported adverse reactions include itching, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, elevated ALT, lethargy, and weight loss. BRAVECTO 1-MONTH is not effective against A. americanum in puppies less than 6 months of age.  BRAVECTO (fluralaner) Chews for Dogs: The most commonly reported adverse reactions include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, anorexia and pruritus. In some cases, adverse events have been reported following use in breeding females. BRAVECTO (fluralaner topical solution) for Dogs:  The most commonly reported adverse reactions include vomiting, hair loss, diarrhea, lethargy, decreased appetite, and moist dermatitis/rash.  

BRAVECTO Chews and Topical Solution for Dogs have not been shown to be effective for 12-weeks’ duration in puppies less than 6 months of age. BRAVECTO Chews and Topical Solution for Dogs are not effective against the lone star tick beyond 8 weeks of dosing.  BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Dogs is for topical use only.  Avoid oral ingestion. 

All BRAVECTO products contain fluralaner, which is a member of the isoxazoline class.  This class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures.  Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in dogs without a history of seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders.